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The Piano Project Logo | Allegro School Of Music

The Piano Project

Help us with our new initiative, The Piano Project!  Family Harmony is fulfilling its mission by making piano classes and lessons available to elementary-aged children who would otherwise not be able to afford them.
The Piano Project has three phases:

Phase 1

In Phase One, which began in the summer of 2020, we are partnering with Aldersgate Center for Child Development to offer a piano class.

Students who show sufficient interest, practice habits, and classroom behavior will be eligible for private piano lessons during the 2020-21 Season.  Further classes and private lessons may be offered in the future.

Phase 2

In Phase Two, which we hope to begin in 2021, we will partner with a second organization and offer piano classes and lessons in a manner similar to Phase One.

Phase 3

In Phase Three, we will partner with a larger organization or multiple organizations to offer piano classes and lessons in a manner similar to Phases One & Two.

If your school, child care center, or other community organization is interested in being a partner with Family Harmony in The Piano Project, please contact us at 616-301-3888 or

We are in the process of raising $5000 needed for Phase One. If you would like to make a financial contribution, click here.

  • Like us on facebook! (click the facebook icon at the top of this page)

  • Make a tax-deductuble donation by calling 616-301-3888 or mailing a check payable to allegro school of music to the address below. You can donate to our scholarship fund, general fund, or whatever fund or project you would like! Individual and corporate donors welcome.

  • Volunteer your time & talents. Do you have a skill that would benefit our organization?

  • Donate your no-longer-needed musical instruments- we will keep for future use what we can and sell the rest to benefit our general fund.

  • If you are a music educator, consider endorsing us! By doing so, you are formally saying you support our mission & vision and will do what you can to help us live them out. We plan to post a list of endorsements down the road.

  • Share your ideas with us! Email or call 616-301-3888.

Thanks for submitting!

Main Studio

Allegro School Of Music Logo

Inside Aldersgate United Methodist Church at

4301 Ambrose Ave NE. Grand Rapids MI 49525.

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South Studio

Inside Saint Mark Lutheran Church at

1934 52nd St, Kentwood MI 49508.

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